Revelation 16 Commentary

 The French Revolution,

WW1 and WW2 Eras

from the book World War III and the 6000th Year on Amazon

By Bill Weather

   In the Historicist view of prophecy,  Revelation 16 is describing in incredible detail, the French Revolution, which was a God sent judgment upon Catholic Europe for killing millions of his saints and to end that era of the beast’s rule of 1260 years.

Once you give this view a chance, you will see how God had prophesied in Rev 16, the vials of wrath, in great detail, all that took place in that era, just 2 centuries ago.

In 1852, Albert Barnes, in notes on The Handbook of Revelation, says, The scenes which occurred in the times of the French Revolution were such as would properly symbolized by the pouring out of the first, the second, the third, and the fourth vials.

Numerous reports of extreme hail and terrible weather, and other “acts of God” ruining crops, were a major factor in Southern Europe and France’s judgment as well.

This will be a verse by verse study with showing those historical fulfillments.

Most of Revelation 16 is about the vials, a judgment on those with the mark, Catholic Europe and Eurasia. All throughout history, God has used nations to judge other nations. He did it over and over with Israel, so why do we think it strange that God would do it in these more modern times?

I am YHWH. I change not (Malachi 3:6).

Vial 1 - Outbreak of Atheism

Rev 16:2 - And the 1st went and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men, which had the mark of the beast & them which worshiped his image.

As shown earlier how the mark of the beast was all throughout Europe, this outpouring of God’s wrath was on them. These grievous sores are symbolic for the grievous sore of atheism, which we will now well document

In A Dissertation On Prophecies (1806), George Stanley Faber says, The earth is the Roman empire: the men, who bear the mark of the beast and worship his image, are the once superstitious, but now atheistical, members of the Latin Empire and Church: and the noisome and grievous sore, is the delusive spirit of atheism, or that gross lie of Antichrist the denial of the Father and the Son. An open profession of Atheism was made by a whole nation once zealously devoted to the papal superstition, then commenced the eruption of the noisome sore.

The whole head is sick, and the whole heart faint... corrupted and full of putrefying sores (Isaiah 1:4-7).

Here we see metaphor in the word, for a noisome and grievous sore, and the French Revolution was certainly noisome, with the smell of millions of dead bodies in its path!

In Horae Apocalypticae, Edward Bishop Elliott says, that tremendous outbreak of social and moral evil, of democratic fury, atheism, and vice, which characterized the French Revolution.

Pere Bernard Lambert, a Dominican monk of Province, southern France, described the condition of France as a sick man covered with ulcers.

In Apocalyptic Sketches (1850), John Cumming says, Burke, the most eloquent orator of the day, called it the epidemic of atheistical fanaticism… from the sole of the foot even unto the head there was no soundness in it, but wounds, and bruises, and putrefying sores.

In Lectures on the Book of Revelations (1860), Rev. C.M. Butler says, The French Father Lambert calls the irreligion of the period "a horrible ulcer,"... "the fever of the atheistical fanaticism", "the malignant French distemper", "the plaque, and the living ulcers... " 

In The Last Prophecy, Edward Bishop Elliott says, A tremendous outbreak of social and moral evil, democratic and popular fury, atheism and vice, characterized the French Revolution. From France, as a center, the plague rapidly spread through its affiliated clubs, and the whole of Papal Christendom soon imbibed the poison and shared the punishment.

The book Paraphrase of the Revelation of Saint John, according to E.B. Elliott (1862) says, This was that tremendous outbreak of social and moral evil, of democratic fury, atheism, and vice, which was speedily seen to characterize the French Revolution: From France, as a centre, it spread like a plague ...

Here we have no lack of evidence, this first vial or bowl, was the sore of atheism in southern Europe and France which kindled the coming judgment of the French Revolution.

Vial 2 - Navies Destroyed

Rev 16:3 - And the 2nd Angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as blood of a dead man; and every living soul died in the sea.

In Notes on the Handbook of Revelation, Albert Barnes says, This we should look for in respect to the naval power of France, Spain and Portugal, for these are the only Papal nations that have had a navy… Altogether in this naval war, from its beginning in 1793 to its end in 1815, it appears that there were destroyed near 200 ships of the line, between 300 and 400 frigates, and an almost incalculable number of smaller vessels of war and ships of commerce. The whole history of the world does not present such a period of naval war, destruction, and bloodshed. The sea became as the blood of a dead man.

The People’s New Testament by Barton Johnson (1891) says, … the loss in this long and deadly struggle of six hundred ships of the Line,... besides the thousands of ships of war of smaller size. At the close of the contest, the naval power of Catholic Europe had been swept from the ocean. 

Vial 3 – Blood in the Rivers 

Rev 16:4 - And the 3rd angel poured his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters and they became blood.

The Catholics of southern Europe had killed millions of saints, who lived at the areas of the rivers, by the Rhine, Danube and Po rivers. Now there was pay back for killing those many saints who were martyred in those same areas.

In The Last Prophecy, Edward Bishop Elliot says, During the year 1792, war was declared by France against Germany and the next year against Sardinia; consequently, all those towns watered by the Rhine and Alpine streams became scenes of carnage… from the Alpine river to river Northern Italy… Every river was a scene of carnage… The Alpine rivers were turned to blood.

The next verses in Revelation 16:5,6 tell us why… and I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous O Lord… because thou has judged thus. For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets and thou has given them blood to drink, for they are worthy.

This was God’s vengeance on Catholic Europe for the killing of millions of his saints throughout those same lands where they once dwelt.

Vial 4 – Napoleon’s Scorched Earth Policy

Rev 16:8 - And the 4th angel poured out his vial upon the sun, and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire…

To understand this, you must understand biblical symbolism. We can open up our old testaments in Genesis and read of Joseph’s dream of his father, mother and brothers bowing to him. The dream symbolically called his Father the sun, mother moon and brothers, stars. Here we see, a sun represents a supreme leader and that leader in Rev 16:3 was Napoleon Bonaparte. Notice, it calls the sun a him?

Dr Alexander Keith, a historian and Church of Scotland minister says, Napoleon performed the miracles of genius... Within the space of eight years, he scorched every kingdom in Europe, from Naples to Berlin and from Lisbon to Moscow… like the sun; there was nothing hid from his great heat.

No one can dare doubt Napoleon’s well known scorched earth policy, concreted in the books of history. He was that sun who was given power to scorch all of Europe.

Vial 5 – Seat of the Beast

Rev 16:10 - And the 5th angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast, and his kingdom was full of darkness.

As we’ve shown previously, Rome was the center of the Empire. It was the seat of the 2 horned beast of Revelation 13. In 1798, the Pope was taken prisoner by the French, which marked the end of the Papal reign of the beast, 538AD - 1798, the 1260 years, previously discussed.

In Visions Of The Ages (1881), B.W. Johnson says, the Pope was not only shorn in half his provinces, but was compelled to buy off the invader with the payment of large sums of money. The next year (1798), the french armies entered Rome, tore the Pope from the Vatican, sent him a prisoner to France to die and robbed Rome of its hoarded wealth.

Vial 6 – Kings of the East

 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.

The Euphrates here is in the land of the Turks and the Ottoman Empire, its rise in the 15th and 16th centuries and then its vast decline into the 20th century. It had dried up, and now we are looking for what is symbolically, the kings of the east.

In World War One, everything changed for the Turks. They were defeated and Judea and the middle east were now open. From this, new nations were formed, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine and Jordan. The kingdom of Iraq was founded in 1921. In 1932, Saudi Arabia was founded and in 1946, Jordan. Communist China arose in the 1950s.

In the chronology of Revelation, these would be the kings of the east formed shortly after the Ottoman Empire drying up, in the land of the Euphrates. Notice that it says Armageddon was being prepared. It had not yet taken place. There is sufficient evidence to believe Armageddon will be the Zechariah 14/Ezekiel 38 war. They are one and the same.

Vial 7 – World War II

Rev 16:17,18 - And the 7th angel poured out his bowl into the air… and there were voices and thunders and lightnings and there was a great earthquake..

Earthquakes in prophecy represent great upheaval. Verse 18 describes an earthquake greater than any other the earth has ever seen. World War II brought the greatest upheaval globally thus far. Never before in the history of the world, from Japan to London, from Berlin to Washington, has the world experienced, such global change and upheaval.

And the great city was divided into three parts and the city of the nations fell (Rev 16:19).

At the time of World War II, the 3 city states of Washington, London and Rome became united like never before in a new WW2 global reset, much of which, still structurally exists today. Much of Revelation points to Rome, that great city that used to reign over the kings of the earth. However, here it tells us that the great city is divided into three parts. There are those of us who know all the western world is controlled through the three city states of Rome, with its vast network of Jesuits, London with banking and DC with its global military.

Even back in 1800, President John Adams wrote often to Thomas Jefferson of the powerful Rome centered Jesuits and their highly covert operations of overthrowing kings and governments. Imagine how much further along they are now.

London is the home of the vast empire of Banking and England has birthed the nations of South Africa, India, Australia and New Zealand.

The United States needs no proving of its vast controls in place, of its military, banking, media and big pharma global power. This is what consists of that great city and Babylon controlled by the three city states.

Consider how the Holy City is the size of 2/3s of the US. The size of that great city is not just a city, but is as Revelation 17:15 says, sits in multitudes, nations and tongues.

the woman = that great city - Rev 17:18

WW2 brought great upheaval in the cities of the nations, from London to Tokyo, from Berlin to Washington and from Rome to Moscow. All the major centers of power were greatly effected.

Verse 19 says, And great Babylon came in remembrance before God,

to give unto her, the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

I believe this verse 19 is still the WW2 era of Babylon and not the WW3 Revelation 18 Babylon. Like the French Revolution era, this European era also received God’s judgment wrath for not repenting. This is directed at Great Babylon in Rev 16:19. In Rev 18:2 it addresses it as Babylon the Great. As we’ve shown earlier, modern day Babylon is not just the United States, but consists of Europe and England, so the Great Babylon here is still in this WW2 era, based on the Revelation chronology indicators and shows judgment upon Europe and England.

And there fell upon men a great hail out of Heaven… and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail... (Rev 16:21).

A great hail out of Heaven sounds like bombs falling from the sky in what was WW2. The time of the WW2 era, I believe is here at the end of Revelation 16. This is our present stopping point in the Revelation prophetic chronology, just as WW2 was a stopping point with its global reset, much of which still is structurally in place today.

 Since going from Revelation 16 into 17, the subject matter changes, this is an indicator also of where I believe the change from this post WW2 era to WW3 begins.

Every description of the first 5 vials matches what took place in the French Revolution, ending the reign of that beast. God used Napoleon and the covert Jesuits backing him (who at that time were in revolt against the Papacy) to judge those lands wherein were slaughtered millions of his saints. And because the US has departed from God and his holy word, we can now expect judgment upon the US, and soon, based on what God has revealed about Revelation 18.

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